Medical Quiz

Teeth and Microbes Quiz

Viruses are the ________ of all.

A. hugest

B. biggest

C. tinniest

D. smallest

Select your answer:


Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Defence against Infectious Diseases Pathology - Cellular Injury Orthopedic Surgeon Epithelial Tissue Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Cardiovascular System Anatomy Non-infectious Disease Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Stimuli and Responses in Humans Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption MEDICINE Stress Muscle & Nerve Tissue Biological Organisms Classification

Other quiz:

Microbiology › View

A mosquito can spread the West Nile Virus but remains unaffected by the disease. Which best describes the mosquito?

A. vector

B. parasite

C. mutagen

D. pathogen

Heart Anatomy › View

These “strings” anchor the AV valve

A. chordae tendinae

B. coronary arteries

C. semilunar valves

D. mitral valve