Medical Quiz

Ears Quiz

What two parts make up the inner ear?

A. pinna and eustachian tube

B. incus and vestibule

C. vestibule and Cochlea

D. eustachian tube and pinna

E. Cochlea and incus

Select your answer:


The Musculoskeletal System Nutrient Cycling Joints and Range of Motion Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Type 1 Diabetes Microbial Growth & Nutrition Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Adaptive Immune System Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance The Nervous System My Teeth Tib/Fib, Knee and Femur Musculoskeletal LE Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Health and Disease

Other quiz:

Microbiology › View

Which best distinguishes an infectious disease from a noninfectious disease?

A. Infectious diseases can be cured with antibiotics; noninfectious diseases cannot.

B. Infectious diseases can be prevented with vaccines; noninfectious diseases cannot.

C. Infectious diseases can be spread from one organism to another; noninfectious diseases cannot.

D. Infectious diseases cannot be transmitted from one organism to another; noninfectious diseases can.

Respiratory › View

(asthma) When an allergen is inhaled, which cell is activated through engulfing this particle?

A. Mast cell

B. Columnar epithelium cells

C. Dendritic Cells

D. T Helper Cells