Medical Quiz

Human Body Quiz

Are the muscles in a person’s hand voluntary meaning you can choose to move them? 



Select your answer:


Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses Nutritional Trivia EMS Systems Lung & Breathing Pollution Health - Nutrition Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Oronasal Suctioning Proteins Illness and Symptoms CABG Surgery ADVBIO Genetics Types of Immunity Digestion Genes, Genomes & Alleles

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Mechanics is divided into ?

A. Static and dynamic

B. Qualitative and quantitative

C. Kinetic and kinematic

D. Non of the above

Disease & Immunity › View

Active immunity lasts for a ____________ time. Passive immunity lasts for a ___________ time.

A. Long; Short

B. Life; Life

C. Hours; Long

D. Short; Long