Medical Quiz

Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Quiz

Which body system serves to protect your body against infection and disease and is not contained within any one location in the body?

A. Lymphatic System

B. Drainage System

C. Cardiovascular System

D. Immune system

Select your answer:


Cell Structure and Functions Medical Nursing Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Skin Structure Human Eye Pathophysiology_Endocrine Forensic Pathology Oxygenation Medical Vocabulary Anatomical Terminology Thyroid Disease Child Growth and Development The Brain Our Control Center Health and Diseases Limitation of Senses

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4.5 – 6.2 million

A. RBC- male

B. RBC- Female

C. Hemoglobin- male

Human Health › View

Chill and high fever recurring every 3-4 hours in a patient. Which of the following statement related to this event is incorrect?

A. Release of Haemozoin causes chill and fever

B. Rupture of RBC is associated with release of haemozoin

C. parasites initially multiply in liver cells then attack red blood cells

D. the disease is Typhoid