Medical Quiz

Muscle Tissue Quiz

Area where the thick and thin filaments overlap

A. A band

B. Z disc

C. H band

D. I band

E. M line

Select your answer:


Vital Signs Tissues Vocabulary Biochemistry of Diabetes Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Innate Immunity Vitamins and Minerals Immune Response Renal and Gastrointestinal System Microbio (Viruses) Cell Vocabulary Fats And Oil HHB Immunology Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance First Aid Types of Doctors

Other quiz:

Health and Disease › View

Examples of fats and oils are:

A. Foods that give provide us with energy: Rice, potatoes and cereal.

B. Foods that build and repair our bodies for growth: Meat, eggs and nuts.

C. Foods that provide us with energy and helps protect our organs: Sunflower oil, butter and avocado pear.

D. Foods that help our bodies develop and stay healthy: Fruit and vegetables.

Common Respiratoty Diseases › View

It is acquired through inhalation or following the ingestion of contaminated foods or liquids.

A. Pharyngitis

B. Tonsillitis