Medical Quiz

Hospitality Quiz

Which is the smallest food group on the Eatwell Guide?

A. Sugars

B. Oils & spreads

C. Meat and other proteins

D. Fats

Select your answer:


Respiratory System DNA, RNA, Proteins Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities The Blood Cell & Bond Mental Health Latin & Greek in Medicine Cells & Body Systems Compact Bone Vitals Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Healthcare Systems and Insurance Ears Mutation & Genetic Engineering Sports Medicine

Other quiz:

Pancreas › View

A gland that secretes through ducts.

A. Endocrine

B. Exocrine

Immunology › View

If a mother is MHC A3A14/B5B15/Cw3Cw4 and her child is A3A9/B5B27/Cw4Cw7, which of the following men is the most likely candidate for the father?

A. A5A9/B5B27/Cw3Cw7

B. A9A11/B15B21/Cw1Cw4

C. A4A15/B2B27/Cw1Cw5

D. A5A9/B17B27/Cw3Cw5