Medical Quiz

Beneath the Skin Quiz

Your bones are held together at joints by

A. cartilige

B. ligaments

C. tendons

D. muscles

Select your answer:


Fainting and Nosebleed DNA Replication Pathology - Cellular Injury Nervous & Endocrine Systems Neurons Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Germs Proteins Molecular Basis of Inheritance Inflammation and Tissue Repair Forensics: Blood Doctor Equipments Infectious Diseases Ear/Eye Medical Terms Digestive System and Nutrition

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The number of times that your heart beats in a minute is what?

A. Stroke volume

B. Cardiac output

C. Heart Rate

D. Beats per minute

Physiology Pathology › View

What is the resting potential of a typical neuron?

A. -70 millivolts (mV)

B. +70 mV

C. -70 Volts (V)

D. +70 V