Medical Quiz

Cells Quiz

These cells gather and send information.

A. macrophages

B. nerve cells

C. fat cells

D. fibroblasts

Select your answer:


Deficiency Diseases Proteins Introduction to Kinesiology Bones Anatomy MEDICINE Factors Affecting Health Infectious Disease Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Hospital Wards and Departments Cardiovascular Nursing Parts of the Body Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Radiography Fats And Oil Cell Vocabulary

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The adaptive process that results in a long-term and very effective immunity to the infecting microorganism, is referred to as _________.

A. innate immunity

B. adaptive immunity

C. natural barriers

D. inflammatory response

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A _____ connects bones to other bones.

A. tendon

B. bursa

C. ligament

D. framework