Meningitis may cause
A. brain cancer.
B. the brain to swell and lead to brain damage and death.
C. a slow, gradual loss of memories.
D. All of the above can be caused by Meningitis.
Select your answer:
Hospital Departments What is Psychology? Microbiology Wellness Vocabulary Health Systems Bones and Muscles Immunity and Vaccines Nutrition In Animal Sense of Sight Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems SSTI and Bone Infections 5 Major Food Groups Introduction to Kinesiology Nutrition in Animals Unintentional InjuriesOther quiz:
Bonding and the Periodic Table › ViewWhat are the three main “Physical Properties” of metals?
A. Malleability, Luster and Conductivity
B. Luster, Ductility and Malleability
C. Conductivity, Malleability and Ductility
D. Malleability Color and Conductivity
Breathing System › View
What is the function of the diaphragm?
A. To carry air to and from the lungs
B. To warm and moisten the air
C. To trap dirt particles and bacteria
D. To cause air to move into or out of the lungs