Medical Quiz

Urinary System Quiz

Which row correctly shows what is excreted from the lungs and the kidneys?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Select your answer:


ICU Transport System Forensics: Blood Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Pediatrics Disease, Illness and Sickness Nucleic Acids Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Trichology Skull Measles and Hib Hematology Lab Values Psoriasis Genetics Vocabulary Muscoskeletal Injuries

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Biotechnology › View

Which of the following describes why Taq polymerase is required for PCR?

A. The Taq polymerase is able to unwind the DNA double helix reducing the need of additional enzymes

B. The Taq polymerase binds to the DNA without a required primer facilitating the process of PCR

C. The process of PCR requires prokaryotic polymerase as it is less complex

D. The process of PCR requires extremely high temperatures that would denature other polymerases

Muscles › View

The latissimus dorsi is located along _______________.

A. back

B. shoulder

C. lower leg

D. upper leg