Medical Quiz

Macromolecules Quiz

Virus have not been officially confirmed to be “alive” because they fail this characteristic of life.

A. reproduction on their own

B. homeostasis on their own

C. growth

D. respond to stimuli

Select your answer:


Parkinson Disease Cardiovascular Physiology - Function The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Immunology IBD Physical Activity Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Bacteria & Disease Pathology Endocrine Viruses Biomolecules Tissues Vocabulary Immune Cells Faction Genetic Diseases Tissues of The Body Understanding Psychology Nervous System Homeotic Genes and Cancer

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HISTORY: Discovered that A and T bond together and C and G bond together…

A. Watson and Crick

B. Rosalind Franklin

C. Fredrick Griffeth

D. Erwin Chargaff

Physiology › View

An average heartbeat, or cardiac cycle, lasts approximately:

A. 0,80 seconds

B. 0,008 seconds

C. 8,0 seconds

D. 60 seconds

E. 80 seconds