Medical Quiz

Neurology Quiz

The central nervous systems is made up of the brain and spinal cord.



Select your answer:


Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Types of Doctors Disease & Immunity Biodiversity Conservation Defence against Infectious Diseases Male Reproductive System Thyroid Disease Major Internal Organs of the Body Nervous System and Special Senses First Aid Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review Health Systems Musculoskeletal Facial & Dental Injuries

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An injury in which the skin over a fracture site is broken may be described as a(n)

A. closed farcture

B. vertical injury

C. open injury

D. compromised injury

Oncology › View

An average risk 55-year-old premenopausal woman with no smoking history should not be counseled regarding the following procedures as part of routine cancer screening?

A. Pap with HPV DNA test, every 5 years

B. Mammogram, annually

C. Colonoscopy, every 10 years

D. Low-dose helical computed tomography, annually