Medical Quiz

Hematology Quiz

Which of the following is NOT an indication for a bone marrow examination?

A. Crushing injuries due to trauma

B. Gaucher disease

C. Monitoring treatment after chemotherapy to assess minimal residual disease

D. Sickle cell crisis

Select your answer:


HHB Immunology Sources Of Food Parts of Human Body Multicellular Organisms Macromolecules & Nutrients Division of Microbiology Enzymes and Their Functions Physical Education and Health Health and Medicine SCI CH2-1 Terms for The Skeletal System Organ Senses and Locomotor System Eye Histology Macromolecules & Enzymes Movement and Locomotion

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Life Processes › View

lack bears roam over large forested areas. What effect would building shopping centers in these areas have on the bears?

A. Help increase the black bear reproduction

B. Reduce the black bears’ habitat (home)

C. Introduce a new bear population to the area

Hematology Lab Values › View

4.5 – 6.2 million

A. RBC- male

B. RBC- Female

C. Hemoglobin- male