In volleyball, Team A just served to Team B and Team A lost the point. Which team gets to serve the ball now?
A. Team A
B. Team B
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Lipid Metabolism Weight Management Respiratory and Circulatory Parts of the Skin Water Macromolecules Cardiovascular Med Terms Nutrient Cycling Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Skeletal System Vocabulary Wellness Vocabulary The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level Parts of Human Body Tracheostomy Care Pathophysiology - Inflammation PsychiatryOther quiz:
Cardiovascular › ViewA sign that indicates that a patient has a possibility of developing thrombophlebitis?
A. Moses’ sign
B. steks’s sign
C. Homan’s sign
D. Psoas sign
Biochemistry › View
Which of the following is true about oxidized molecules?
A. They contain more electrons and more energy
B. They contain more electrons and less energy
C. They contain fewer electrons and more energy
D. They contain fewer electrons and less energy