★ Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Quiz
Which of the following options correctly describes what is being shown in the following karyotype?
A. female with trisomy
B. male with tetrasomy
C. male with no visible mutations
D. female with no visible mutations
Select your answer:
Human Genetics Heart Structure and Double Circulation Osteoporosis Parts of the Skin PHE Healthy Lifestyle Genes and Cells Infectious Diseases Surgical Nutrition HHB Immunology Bone Marrow Histology Properties of the Hair Bio Cells Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systematic Bacteriology PollutionOther quiz:
Stimuli and Responses in Humans › ViewThe older person is weaker their ability of hearing because
A. aging
B. range of hearing become larger
C. ear drum become more elastic
D. ear drum less elastic
Life Cycle - Bee › View
This comes out of the egg.
A. the adult
B. the larva
C. another egg