Medical Quiz

Immunity and Vaccines Quiz

An organism that enters a life form and causes disease or sickness is a/an:

A. macrophage

B. pathogen

C. vaccine

D. flu

Select your answer:


Stress Composition Of Human Blood Compact Bone Medical Careers Degeneration Pathology Stroke Renal & Neural Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Water Macromolecules Reproduction in Human Beings SCI CH2-1 General Anatomy A Treat For Mosquitoes The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Metabolic Sauver

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Carbon dioxide is considered a _________________

A. food

B. waste

C. energy

D. fun party favor

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The lion who hunts the zebra is an example of a ________________.

A. prey

B. predator

C. producer

D. abiotic