★ Parathyroid Gland Quiz
What is the medical term for nerves fibers discharging spontaneously and causing twitching?
A. Parkinson’s
B. tetany
C. nerve impulse disease
D. infarction
Select your answer:
Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Agents of Disease Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Endocrine System and Nervous System Anatomy of the Eye The Ankle and Lower Leg Oncology Musculoskeletal LE Types of Medical Reports BIOMEDICAL MCQ Composition Of Human Blood Basic Structure of the Human Body Schizophrenia Endocrine System Terms Blood DonationOther quiz:
Glucose in the Body › ViewProteins are often needed for purposes other than providing energy. Carbohydrates in the diet support these purposes through
A. protein condensation action
B. protein-hydrolytic action
C. protein-using action
D. protein-sparing action
Basics of Cardiology › View
What is the primary function of the cardiovascular system?
A. Connective tissue
B. Nervous tissue
C. Muscle tissue
D. Epithelial tissue