Medical Quiz

Muscle & Nerve Tissue Quiz

Which cell type makes up only 10% of nerve tissue?

A. neuron

B. neuroglial

Select your answer:


Cosmetology Anatomy Cells Blood Donation Cell and Muscle Histology Thyroid Fluid and Electrolytes Nutrition In Animal Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Digestive System (Gastroenterology) Cardiovascular System Leaves Hematologic System Immunology and Serology Chemistry Inheritance

Other quiz:

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Histology refers to the

A. Study of tissues

B. Study of the body

C. Removal of tissues

D. Study of the brain

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To help our seleves to be healthy, Matt suggests:

A. “Run every single day for at least 5 kms.”

B. “Don’t be perfect, just try to be better tomorrow”.

C. “Make sure you count every calorie you are eating”.

D. “Play as many video games on Nutrition as you can!”