Medical Quiz

Who am Eye? Quiz

I am the name of the process by which ‘light’ energy becomes electromagnetic energy. I am important because otherwise, the information received by the eye could not travel down the Optic Nerve.

A. Transduction

B. Transmission

C. Reception

D. Perception

Select your answer:


Digestion and Microbes Who am Eye? Physical Education Biology Assessment Human Brain Life Processes First Aid Hospice Basics Orthopedics Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Bacteria Diseases of The Nervous System Foot Orthosis Vocab Diseases Key Terms Germs & Diseases

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Nail › View

A nail condition in which blood clots form under the nail plate due to a small injury of the nail plate is;
A. bruised nails 
B. blue nails 
C. abnormal nails 
D. bruised onychia

Eye › View

Which of the following activities would be dangerous for someone with poor depth perception?

A. Driving a car

B. Blinking

C. Discerning between two similar colors

D. Reading a sign that’s far away