Medical Quiz

The Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Each unit in a muscle fiber is called a __________.

A. myosin

B. globular heads

C. sarcomeres

D. troponin

Select your answer:


Cell Reproduction Dermatosis Blood and Bones Oral Surgery Breathing System Health and The Environment Erythrocyte Disorders Eye Physiology A Treat For Mosquitoes Disorders of The Joints Neurons Functional Anatomy in Track & Field The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level Skeleton Diseases & Disorders

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Biotechnology › View

What is the main advantage of using genetically modified organisms in agriculture?

A. To study the behavior of genes

B. To create new species of plants and animals

C. To increase the survival, yield and nutritional value of crops

D. To study the behavior of pests

Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption › View

Which organ in the digestive system absorbs the most water from food?

A. esophagus

B. small intestine

C. large intestine

D. stomach