Medical Quiz

Topics: Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Quiz

When respiratory rate increases, what happens to the body’s pH?

A. Increase

B. Decrease

C. Nothing

Select your answer:


Cell Biology & Biotechnology Physiology Pathology Mental Health Discovery of DNA Types of Doctors Dimensions of Wellness Regulation of Heart Rate Lungs Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Organ Senses and Locomotor System Renal Nutrition In Animal Autoimmune Disease HCMA - Hematology

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Biology › View

Which one of these is NOT one of the characteristics of living things?
A. All living things drink water.
B. All living things are composed of one or more cells.
C. All living things grow develop and have life spans.
D. All living things reproduce.

Cardiology › View

How is RV volume overload characterized in diastole?

A. Diastolic flattening of the septum with a normal curvature in systole

B. Systolic flattening of the septum with a normal curvature in diastole

C. Diastolic bulging of the septum with a reduced curvature in systole

D. Systolic bulging of the septum with a reduced curvature in diastole