Medical Quiz

Topics: The Nervous System and The Senses Quiz

Physical injuries, like a major car accident, can be very dangerous to nervous system health. How?

A. the nerves will communicate slower

B. pain receptors activate during physical injuries

C. damaged nerves cannot send or receive signals

D. the driver will be very upset about their destroyed car

Select your answer:


Common Diseases in Human Beings Stimuli and Responses in Humans Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Shelter Medicine Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Bones Anatomy Cardiovascular System Terminology Physical Activity Transport System Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Components of Physical Fitness Non-Communicable Disease Body Systems ESR (RBC sed rate) Medication Administration

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Which word best describes the relationship between the lymphatic system and the circulatory system?

A. Antagonistic

B. Complementary

C. Independent

D. Redundant

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white blood cells involved in the specific immune response 

A. lymphocyte 

B. clonal population 

C. non-self antigen 

D. lysosomes