Topics: The Human Body Quiz
Which muscle group covers the front part of the upper arm?
A. Adductor muscle
B. Quadriceps femoris muscle
C. Biceps
D. Hamstring muscle
Select your answer:
Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Digestive System (Gastroenterology) Sources Of Food Healthcare Careers Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Knee Anatomy Endocrine System and Nervous System Human Anatomy and Physiology Diversity Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Who am Eye? Cybersecurity in Healthcare Nervous & Endocrine Systems Cardiorespiratory EnduranceOther quiz:
Cosmetology › ViewNormal hair contains percent of the element oxygen.
A. 6
B. 17
C. 21
D. 51
Respiration Anatomy and Physiology › View
when the diaphragm moves downward and the force is transferred to the lower ribs moving them outward, the pressure rises and the lower rib cage….
A. expands
B. shrinks
C. rests
D. contracts