Medical Quiz

Topics: Skin Structure, Growth, & Nutrition Quiz

What is the medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin

A. Osteology

B. cardiology

C. neurology

D. dermatology

Select your answer:


Skeletal System Serology/Blood Typing Gene Expression Safety Terms Medical Suffixes Muscular Genetics and Censorship Erythrocyte Disorders Neurological Disorders Tissue Repair Pathology Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Types of Nutrients EMR Pathophysiology Eye Histology Oronasal Suctioning

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What particle is released when an unstable isotope undergoes alpha radiation?

A. a helium nucleus

B. an electron

C. a photon of light

D. a neutron

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What is the name of the common stem cell from which all blood cells are derived?

A. megakaryocytes

B. hempocytoblast

C. lymphoid cells

D. myeloid cells