Medical Quiz

Topics: Skin Appendages Quiz

What causes acne?

A. clogged sebaceous glands

B. clogged apocrine glands

C. clogged merocrine glands

D. clogged sweat glands

Select your answer:


Infectious Disease Bones and Muscles Transportation and Excretion Health Care Food for Thought The Brain Healthy Foundations Cell Reproduction Nail Enhancement Multicellular Organisms Cell Bio PHE Healthy Lifestyle Microbial Growth & Nutrition Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Sexual Reproduction

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Involves the first 2 layers of skin

A. 1st degree burn

B. 2nd degree burn

C. 3rd degree burn

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Which of these is NOT a job of the Muscular system?

A. contracts and relaxes to produce movement

B. makes blood

C. produces heat

D. stabilizes joints with tendons