Medical Quiz

Topics: Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Quiz

The following are treatments for which restrictive pulmonary disease?

Treat cause: Antibiotics (ABX), fluid, diuretics (get rid of fluid from the lungs)

A. Tuberculosis


C. Pulmonary fibrosis

D. Pneumonia

Select your answer:


Circulatory & Lymphatic Heredity DNA Structure and Function Skin and Derivatives Plasmid Vitamins Medical Microbiology Mitosis Contemporary Nutrition Issues Blood types and Blood Components Trichology Integumentary System Medical Terminology Anatomy of the Eye Epithelial Musculoskeletal Fitness

Other quiz:

Common Diseases in Human Beings › View

Which of the following is a set of bacterial diseases?

A. Malaria, poliomyelitis, mumps

B. Mumps, cholera, typhoid

C. Cholera, Typhoid, Diphtheria

D. Measles, Tuberculosis, Tetanus

Pharmacology › View

Long-term physiological effects of alcohol use include __________.

A. Excitement, sedations, and anesthesia

B. stupor, cerebral edema, and depressed respiration

C. decreased control over judgment, memory, and other intellectual and emotional functioning

D. liver damage, pancreatitis, esophageal varices, gastritis, ulceration, cardiomyopathy, and hemorrhage