Medical Quiz

Topics: Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Quiz

Which of the following is a common site for metastasis?

A. Oral cavity

B. Kidneys

C. Liver


Select your answer:


Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Body Systems Conjunctivita Bacteria and Viruses Health Issues and Concerns DNA Replication Infection Detection Degeneration Pathology Skeletal Tissue Biological Molecules and Enzymes Fainting and Nosebleed Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries Health and Medicine Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Psychopathology

Other quiz:

Heart Anatomy › View

What chamber pumps blood to the body?

A. Right atrium

B. Right ventricle

C. Left atrium

D. Left ventricle 

Neurological Disorders › View

Most people with Huntington’s disease develop signs and symptoms during what age?

A. 3-5

B. Infancy

C. 30’s-40’s 

D. 100+