Medical Quiz

Topics: Physical Pharmacy Quiz

Following is the example of first order reaction.

A. Acid hydrolysis of ethylacetate

B. Oxidation of vitamin-A

C. Alkaline hydrolysis of ethylacetate

D. None

Select your answer:


Cell Bio Renal & Neural Erythrocyte Disorders Skeletal System Vocabulary Nutrition Lipid Pharmacology Cell Reproduction Diseases Key Terms Forensics Terms Muscles and Movements Homeotic Genes and Cancer Health issue related to immune system Viruses and Prions Immune Response Human Anatomy

Other quiz:

Muscles and Movements › View

Which types of movement are permitted by the hip joint?

A. flexion and extension

B. adduction and abduction

C. rotation

D. all the above

Proteins › View

What type of proteins recognise specific substances and allows them into cells?

A. Enzymes

B. Structural

C. Antibodies

D. Receptors