Topics: PHE Quiz
Which of the following is not a nutritional deficiency disease?
A. Strong bones and teeth
B. Soft bones
C. Kwashiokor
D. Rickets
Select your answer:
Bio Cells Atoms and Radioactivity Philosophy The Cell Cycle & Cancer Illness and Symptoms Eye Physiology Nervous System/Endocrine System The Respiratory System Malaria Fats And Oil Parts of Human Body Nervous & Endocrine Systems Nervous System Diseases and Preventions First Aid BleedingOther quiz:
Biology › ViewWhen you twist this part of your limb, the bones located within it actually cross over each other.
A. Thigh
B. Forearm
C. Leg (below the knee)
D. Upper arm
Physical › View
Throwing usually use……… as equipment.
A. Ball
B. Socks
C. Hoola hoop