Medical Quiz

Topics: Organization of Systems Quiz

A single, self-contained entity that performs all of the basic functions of life.

A. system

B. organism

C. organ

D. cell

Select your answer:


Health issue related to immune system Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Heart Enzymes Deficiency Disease Vessels Oncology Urinary System Medical Terms Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Respiratory System Med Term History of Psychology Lipid Metabolism Pathophysiology - Inflammation Macromolecules Digestive System and Nutrition

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The alveoli in the lungs cover a approximate surface area of:-

A. 200 square metres

B. 500 square metres

C. 100 square kilometres

D. 100 square metres

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A new grad RN is programming Vancomycin into the Alaris pump. The preceptor knows they are programming correctly when they set the infusion to:

A. Infuse over 30 minutes.

B. Infuse over 2 hours.

C. Infuse over 1 hour.

D. Infuse over 20 minutes.