Medical Quiz

Topics: Organization of Systems Quiz

A system of organs and tissues that protects the body from external damage and water loss.

A. endocrine system

B. respiratory system

C. nervous system

D. integumentary system

Select your answer:


Systematic Bacteriology Lung & Breathing Perioperative Nursing Care Immunity & Cancer Health - Nutrition Mental Health Cancer (Bio II) Pathophysiology - Inflammation DNA Kidney - Loop of Henlé Blood Typing Biology Nervous and Endocrine System First Aid Life Processes

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what is not true about APC?

A. activate T helper cells

B. APCs include macrophages, dendritic cells, & B cells

C. APC bind to antigen

D. may triggered cell mediated immune response

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to put a drug or other substance into a person’s or an animal’s body using a syringe

A. Inject

B. Operate

C. Surge

D. Pump