Topics: Organization of Systems Quiz
A group of organs and tissues specialized for the rapid transmission and processing of information throughout the body.
A. endocrine system
B. nervous system
C. organ system
D. reproductive system
Select your answer:
Characteristics of Life & Viruses Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Microbiology Muscoskeletal System My Teeth Blood and Hematology Major Organs Phlebotomy Fluid and Electrolytes Physical Education Central Nervous System Diseases of The Digestive System Benefits of Physical Activity Motor Neuron Disease The Nervous System and The SensesOther quiz:
Auditory and Vestibular Neurology › Viewintegration with vision (LGN) and other senses
A. cochlear nucleus
B. superior olive
C. medial geniculate
D. auditory cortex
Injury › View
What structures provides cushion between the femur and tibia?
A. ligaments
B. tendons
C. mensicus
D. tuberosities