Medical Quiz

Topics: -ology Quiz

Jasmine loves to figure things out. She likes to learn about the brain. What would she enjoy studying?

A. graphology

B. anthropology

C. psychology

D. zoology

Select your answer:


Life Processes Excretion Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Energy and Metabolism Body Fluids DNA and RNA Structures ESR (RBC sed rate) Contemporary Nutrition Issues Atoms and Radioactivity Protozoan Diseases Defining Health and Wellness Pulmonology/Respiratory Smoking Related Diseases Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Patient-Centered Endocrinology Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher

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Musculoskeletal responses to exercise include which of the following?

A. Increased Muscle Pliability

B. Increased tidal volume

C. Increased joint range of motion

D. Increased stroke volume

E. A and C

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Which brain structures are primarily involved in motor adjustment?

A. Cerebellum and basal nuclei

B. Prefrontal cortex and cerebellum

C. Thalamus and hypothalamus

D. Amygdala and brainstem