Medical Quiz

Topics: Meiosis and intro to Genetics Quiz

What causes genetic variation in meiosis?
A. chromosomes lining up
B. crossing over of chromosomes
C. separation of chromosomes
D. chromosomes pulling apart

Select your answer:


Hematology Body Defense Cell Cycle; Cancer DNA Cardiovascular Diseases Joints & Movement A&P Musculoskeletal Bone Development and Remodeling Cell Structure and Function Concept Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Viruses and Prions Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Genetics and Probability Life Processes Excretion Macro and Micro Nutrients

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Which type of immunity has memory?

A. innate

B. adaptive/acquired

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40 yrs old female presented with right breast lump, this lump is 8×4 cm in diameter, attached to the skin and underlying tissue. There are 2 palpable lymph nodes on the right axilla. CT scan was done and revealed no other lymph node groups or any distant lesion. The staging of this breast cancer is:

A. T4N1M1

B. T4N2M1