Medical Quiz

Topics: Macromolecules Quiz

When reading the nutrition facts on food packaging total fats is a measure of…

A. Carbohydrate

B. Lipids

C. Water

D. Protein

Select your answer:


Pulmonology/Respiratory Nervous & Endocrine Systems Bones, Joints and Muscles Homeotic Genes and Cancer Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Vocabulary Animal Nutrition Philosophy Environmental Biotechnology Gestalt Therapy Homeostasis Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Endocrine System Disorders Blood Cells Nutrition and Calorific Value

Other quiz:

Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function › View

Where do the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and sartorius muscles originate?

A. spinal column

B. femur

C. pelvis

D. ribs

Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes › View

In carbohydrate counting, how many grams of carbohydrate is considered one serving?

A. 10 grams

B. 15 grams

C. 20 grams

D. 25 grams