Medical Quiz

Topics: Joints and Range of Motion Quiz

Turning palm down

A. Pronation

B. Supination

C. Dorsiflexion

D. Hyperextension

Select your answer:


Environment Hospice Basics Anatomy of the Eye T Cells Embryology Excretory System Healthcare Careers Diseases of The Nervous System Endocrinology Cardiovascular Diseases Oral Hygiene Blood Pressure Human Body Systems Disease Prevention Body Movements

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How can two parents with brown eyes have a child with blue eyes?

A. The parents may both have a recessive gene for blue eyes.

B. The child was born during the winter

C. Eye color in humans is not an inherited trait

D. The child was deprived of oxygen during its birth

Circulation of Blood › View

Which artery takes blood from the heart to the lungs?

A. Pulmonary Artery

B. Coronary Artery

C. Renal Artery

D. Hepatic Artery