Topics: Hemodynamic Disorder Quiz
excess fluid in interstitial spaces of the body
A. edema
B. thrombosis
C. embolism
D. Infarction
Select your answer:
Sarcomere Anatomy Innate Immunity Tracheostomy Care Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Surgical Vocabulary Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Digestion Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Hematologic System Heart and Blood Vessels Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Medication Administration Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Joints Cardiovascular SystemOther quiz:
Parts of the Body › ViewFood is stored here before being digested
A. large íntestine
B. stomach
C. small intestine
D. spine
Neuroanatomy › View
Which type of pain pathway typically transmits sharp, localized pain signals rapidly to the brain?
A. Fast pain pathways
B. Slow pain pathway
C. Ascending nociceptive pathway
D. Descending pain modulation pathway