Medical Quiz

Topics: Diversity Quiz

Voluntary muscles are found in

(a) alimentary canal

(b) limbs

(c) iris of the eye

(d) bronchi of lungs

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Life Processes Biology Assessment Bonding and the Periodic Table Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Pulmonology/Respiratory Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Schizophrenia Parkinson Disease Renal Pharmacology Infection Control Biological Organisms Classification Medicinal use of Microorganisims Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp

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Macro-nutrients are

A. lipids, serotonin, proteins

B. carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

C. water, oxygen, carbon dioxide

D. earth, wind, and fire

Heterotrophic Nutrition › View

Which one of the following is micro nutrients?

A. Carbohydrates

B. Proteins

C. Fats

D. Vitamins and minerals