Medical Quiz

Topics: Coronary Heart Diseases Quiz

Bicuspid valve and tricuspid valves are closed during

A. Ventricular systole

B. Ventricular diastole

C. Atrial systole

D. Late joint diastole

Select your answer:


Heart and Circulatory System Forensics: Blood Sterile Medication Products Physiology Pathology Cancer (Bio II) Geriatrics The Inflammatory Response Motor Neuron Disease Heterotrophic Nutrition Cell Reproduction Health - Nutrition Orthopedic Surgeon Eye or Nose Injuries Blood and Hematology Health

Other quiz:

Renal, Cancer, HIV › View

Which of the following metabolic changes accompanies acute stress?

A. elevated immune response

B. bradycardia

C. hypoglycemia

D. muscle protein catabolism

Nervous System › View

This system links the rest of your body to your brain and spinal cord:

A. Central Nervous System

B. Peripheral Nervous System

C. Muscular System

D. Skeletal System

E. Respiratory System