Medical Quiz

Topics: Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Quiz

Numerous fingerlike projections in the folds of the wall of the ileum is classified as

A. Bolus

B. Chyme

C. Bile

D. Villi

Select your answer:


Male Reproductive System Cancer & Cell Cycle Biology for Engineers Renal & Neural Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Hormones Heart Structure and Double Circulation Latin & Greek in Medicine Eye or Nose Injuries The Circulatory System Cybersecurity in Healthcare Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Macromolecules and Enzymes Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health

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Viruses › View

Which statement about viruses is true?

A. all viruses are latent

B. viruses are considered living things

C. all viruses contain DNA

D. viruses do not contain organelles

Trauma › View

A 33 year old male cut himself with a hunting knife. He has a large flap of skin partially hanging off of his arm. The wound would BEST be described as a(n):

A. laceration

B. abrasion

C. amputation

D. avulsion