Medical Quiz

Microrganisms Quiz

Rhizobium bacteria

A. Help in Digestion

B. Help in nitrogen fixation

C. Cause diseases

D. All the above

Select your answer:


Inheritance Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Neurons MEDICINE Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Hematology Lab Values World Health Day Hazards & Risks Thyroid Gland Anatomy and Physiology Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Virus and Bacteria Motor Neuron Disease Types of Doctors Body Systems and Medical Sciences

Other quiz:

Carbohydrates › View

If I am consuming grain products, such as breads, pastas, and some root vegetables (starches) what type of carbohydrate am I taking in?

A. Simple carbohydrates

B. Fiber

C. Complete carbohydrates

D. Saturated carbohydrates

E. Complex carbohydrates

Genetics › View

Colorblindness is a recessive, X chromosome sex-link disorder. Cross the parents to figure out which percentage of their offspring will be colorblind.

A. 25%

B. 0%

C. 75%

D. 50%