Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Which injury is more severe, involving torn ligaments?

A. Arthritis

B. Osteoporosis

C. Sprain

D. Strain

Select your answer:


Life Processes Excretion The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Nutrient Cycling Dermis Principles of Microbiology First Aid Pancreas DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Vision and Hearing Defects Skull Disease Immunology and Serology Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology DNA and RNA Structures Cellular and Sexual Reproduction

Other quiz:

Viruses and Prions › View

Host cells of viruses include ______.

A. animals

B. plants

C. bacteria

D. all of these

Musculoskeletal LE › View

What type of precaution is the treating OT explaining to a patient in the following sentence: “When you are stepping backward to use the toilet, make sure you step backward with the healthy leg first, then bring the injured leg to be next to the healthy leg.”

A. Posterior hip precautions

B. Anterior hip precautions

C. ORIF of fracture