Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Quiz

What does the suffix ‘-asthenia’ mean?

A. Lack of strength

B. Development

C. Away from

D. Toward

Select your answer:


Healthcare Careers Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Oxygenation DNA & Types of Reproduction The Blood Bio Cells Cardiology Medications Innate Immunity Skin Disease Cards Transport System in Man Body System Salmonella vs E.coli Physical RDA Dental Caries

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The gaps that exist between each myelin sheath cell along the axon. The signals jump from one gap to the next.

A. myelin sheath

B. dendrite

C. axon

D. Node of Ranvier

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Identify the deficiency disease where bowed of legs occurs in children.

A. Osteomalacia

B. Beri-beri

C. Osteoporosis

D. Rickets