Medical Quiz

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Quiz

What is the advantage of knee disarticulation compared to trans-femoral-level amputation?

A. Reduced pressure and shear forces

B. Better center of rotation

C. Improved proprioception

D. Simple and non-traumatic surgical technique

Select your answer:


Pathogens Renal System - Pharmacology Humanistic and Biological Psychology Genetic Engineering Ecology Advanced Stretching SM2 Eye and Ear Viruses Cells & Body Systems Body Defense Human Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy: Muscle Enzymes & Metabolism HL Bone Physiology Lifetime Wellness

Other quiz:

Eyes › View

Which is the fasted muscle in your body.

A. Heart

B. Eye

C. Tongue

Cell Reproduction › View

a piece of an organism develops into a fully grown copy.

A. vegetative propagation

B. budding

C. fragmentation

D. binary fission