Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Lower Motor neurons (LMNs) that innervate extrafusal muscle fibers responsible for muscle contraction are primarily:

A. Beta motor neurons

B. Alpha motor neurons

C. Gamma motor neurons

D. Delta motor neurons

Select your answer:


Human Physiology Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Common Respiratoty Diseases Mutation & Genetic Engineering Types of Immunity Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Receptors Oncology Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Benefits of Physical Activity Endocrinology Food and Nutrition Bones Anatomy Child Development Careers in Health Care

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Joints › View

Hip and shoulder have examples of this type of joint

A. ball and socket

B. condyloid

C. hinge

D. gliding

Meiosis and intro to Genetics › View

What do we call the result of the genotype (for example, the color of the peas)?
A. Visible traits
B. Physiotrait
C. Genotype 2
D. Phenotype