Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

What is the purpose of using electrodes in ECG?

A. To monitor oxygen levels in the blood

B. To detect and record the electrical activity of the heart.

C. To assess lung function

D. To measure blood pressure

Select your answer:


Cell Cycle; Cancer Renal & Neural Organelles Organization of Systems Human Excretory System Physiology Human Eye Surgical tech-safety Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Soldiers of Defense Vitals History of Immunology The Musculoskeletal System Asthma Nervous System and Special Senses

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Tube that connects the larynx to the bronchial tubes.

A. trachea

B. pharynx

C. lungs

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Instruments used to penetrate soft tissue or bone:

A. Critical Instruments

B. Semi-Critical Instruments

C. Non-Critical Intruments

D. Asepsis