Medical Quiz

Eco Factors & Bacteria Quiz

Which type of bacteria is responsible for causing diseases?

A. Friendly bacteria

B. Neutral bacteria

C. Pathogenic bacteria

D. Harmless bacteria

Select your answer:


Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System History of Psychology Cell Structure and Function Muscular System Movements Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Sexual Reproduction Orthopaedic Neurology Cardiology Services Med Terms Disease & Immunity DNA Structure and Function Pulmonary Edema and CHF Bacteria & Viruses Nutrition Careers in Health Care

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Using carbohydrate without the presence of oxygen would produce which of the following metabolites

A. Lactate only

B. Aceytl-CoA

C. Lactate and H+

D. CO2

Stress and Mental Health › View

When you are under pressure you should…

A. Stay Calm & Be Confident

B. Make Eye-Contact & Repeat “NO”!

C. Leave the situation if your friend persists

D. All of the above