Medical Quiz

Pharmacology Quiz

Oral antidiabetic agents are used in which type of diabetes?

A. Type 1

B. Type 2

Select your answer:


Dermatosis Infectious Disease and Pathogens Body Defense Physical Fitness Hematology Lab Values BTEC Biological Approach Revise Transplantation Immunology Neuroanatomy & Physiology Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Nutrition and Calorific Value Urinary System Medical Terms Physical Activity Deaf Blind Diabetes Thyroid

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The larger picture is __________________ ___________________and it is a ___________________

A. calcium oxalate/crystal

B. triple phosphate/crystal

C. calcium oxalate/ cast

D. triple phosphate/cast

History of Medicine › View

What is the placebo effect?

A. The placebo effect is caused by the patient’s genetics

B. The placebo effect only works on physical symptoms, not psychological ones

C. The placebo effect is a result of the patient’s diet

D. A patient’s symptoms can be alleviated by an inactive substance due to the individual’s belief in its effectiveness.