Medical Quiz

Pharmacology Quiz

Oral antidiabetic agents are used in which type of diabetes?

A. Type 1

B. Type 2

Select your answer:


Medical Terminology Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Pain Pathophysiology Nail Enhancement Parts of the Body Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Biotechnology Biomedical Terms and Definitions - Diseases Understanding Psychology Nervous System Circulatory & Respiratory Skin Diseases Healthy Foundations Mutations Diseases of Digestive System

Other quiz:

Pathology › View

What can cause an increased intravascular pressure during agony ?

A. Pulmonary edema

B. Pulmonary alveolar

C. Pulmonary surpression

D. Pulmonary tachypnea

Biology › View

Yeast is an example of…

A. Animal

B. Plant

C. Fungi

D. Protoctist