Medical Quiz

Histology Quiz

The muscle that functions to protract and elevate the mandible is the

A. Masseter

B. Temporalis

C. Lateral pterygoid

D. Medial pterygoid

E. Buccinator

Select your answer:


Fish Health Management Human Anatomy Study Guide Healthy Living HNBS Intern Epithelial Nutrition Vocabulary Viruses Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Genes, Genomes & Alleles Transportation and Excretion EMR - Trauma Nervous System and Special Senses ADVBIO Genetics Organ Systems Biological Molecules and Enzymes

Other quiz:

Blood › View

The study of blood in health and disease

A. Hemoglobin

B. Hematology

C. Blood Types

D. Marker Molecules

Infectious Disease and Pathogens › View

A pathogen is another word for

A. bacteria

B. germs

C. virus

D. antibodies