Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

What type of matter is the lateral lemniscus

A. white matter

B. gray matter

Select your answer:


Cell Theory DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Medicine on the Western Front Diagnostic Tools Vision & Hearing Environment Infection Trichology Organ Senses and Locomotor System Viruses Biomolecules Microbial Growth Immunology IBD Pathophysiology_Endocrine Body Communicable Disease

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Nutrition › View

Proteins are made of

A. Amino Acids

B. Vitamins

C. Minerals

D. Lipids

The Nervous System and The Senses › View

What is a reflex?

A. an automatic movement in response to a stimulus

B. the gap between neurons where chemical reactions occur

C. the part of the brain responsible for involuntary movements

D. a muscle memory